
We recently helped an engineering client collect a seven figure delinquent account without even having to file suit. If you are interested in finding out how we can help collect your delinquent accounts quickly and efficiently, please contact us at [number].Read More

Through the use of various judgment enforcement techniques, including real property sales, a receivership, and various bank and accounts receivable levies, we recently collected the full amount owing (approx. $6.6 million) on a judgment in favor of one of our clients. The firm utilized its over 25 years in commercial collections practice to apply pressure on multiple fronts so that…Read More

In one recent case that went to trial, we represented a manufacturer based in Hong Kong. In Kembo Knitting Factory, Ltd. v. J.T. Intimates, Inc., Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. BC477317, our client filed a case against a former distributor that had failed to pay more than $140,000 due and owing. The distributor filed a cross complaint that…Read More

Our firm recently filed a lawsuit seeking damages for breach of contract and unfair business practices against a large financial institution. Through our efforts, we were able to secure a six figure settlement for our client. This is a substantial win for our client and our firm is proud that we were able to be a part of retaining justice…Read More

For any number of reasons the decision may be made for a business to be dissolved. Sometimes this is voluntary and sometimes this is against great effort to avoid this outcome. It can be due to financial hardship when the success of the business has not always matched its expenses. It may also be an individual that is retiring because…Read More

People change jobs for any number of reasons. When an employee departs, they can take more than just their skills. Many employees have obtained valuable insider information from their previous company and this information in the hands of a competitor or other third party could be very detrimental. Therefore, having an employee sign a properly drafted non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before…Read More

If you are looking for a business lawyer who can help you with virtually any business law concern that you have, then you need to contact the Matthews Law Firm Inc. today. The attorneys at this firm have over 20 years of cumulative experience which they want to practice by tackling your case. At Matthews Law Firm, you can be…Read More

Business partnerships are commonly likened to a marriage, where those involved have close contact with one another on a daily basis as they work towards a shared goal. In a partnership, it is extremely important to delineate the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of each person in a partnership agreement so that everyone can have reasonable expectations of how the relationship…Read More

Disagreements often arise in the business world that may be internal disputes among those who own, manage, or are employed in the operation or external disputes with outside parties, such as competitors, other businesses, customers, patrons, governmental agencies, and more. Such disputes can take up enormous resources, including time, money, and the use of staff who may be needed to…Read More

While many businesses operate in an open and honest manner, there are unfortunately many that will not abide by such standards. In some cases, businesses resort to deceptive, unlawful, unfair or fraudulent acts or practices – which, in the end, can cause great harm. These are commonly referred to as “unfair business practices” and in California are regulated by the…Read More

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